Feng Shui 8 Mansions
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8 Mansions Feng Shui, Destiny & Divination

8 Mansions Feng Shui have a variety of scriptures understood only by Grandmasters. Most practitioners are only aware that 8 Mansions Feng Shui divides a property or a person into East and West groups. Favorable and Unfavorable directions are then determined and applied.

Under the tutelage of Master David Xuan it was revered that this little-known ancient knowledge of the 8 Mansions technique goes far beyond the simplicity of East and West groups. It can be used to read a person's destiny not just for Feng Shui, but reaches through the expanse of time and space divination. This opens up entirely new levels of its applications and reach of clairvoyance.

The 8iGHT app is a result of the collaboration between Master David Xuan and his disciple Jason Ooi with the support of the DX Team. Like what a scientific calculator is to an aspiring mathematician, the 8iGHT app simplifies representations of 8 Mansions for quick application. The techniques however, need to be learnt, and this can be achieved by signing up for Master David's courses.


Sheng Qi

Akin to Opportunities, spending time in your Sheng Qi area would enhance both business and career opportunities.

Yan Nian

It's about your networks and growth. Afterall, you go backwards if you stall and like it or not, this world revolves around relationships.

Who's the Host?

Land > Property > Person > Time & Space. The Land is the host to the Property, the Property is the host to the Person while Time and Space are influencers.

Year, Month, Day

Imagine the Year being the farthest from you, then comes the Month and finally the Day being the closest. Similar to the Year, Month and Day Flying Star energies. I.e. Year Energy takes its time to imbue while the Month and Day have a more hasten impact.

more nuggets to come..